Last Boop: 1 day ago
Age 16+

Here in the IH&B lab, we seek to further understand the behaviorisms of the anomalous creatures that inhabited the land, unseen by humans for centuries. To encourage the natural behaviors of the Inhumans and Beasts, we have established the ‘Observation city’! A large city built on a vast island. A city with an economy partially controlled by the inhabitants. A city that encourages the freedom to work and socialize, with low day-to-day interaction with members of staff (but that number can never be zero!)

Observation isn't the only duty we uphold though. At any point a subject can be retrieved and transported to the lab for a simple appointment. We are always trying to figure out what makes them tick; what makes their heart beat. Is their blood supernatural as well? Can they still use their abilities while bleeding out?

Why, let's set up an experiment~!

IH&B is a server that is designed to provide anyone a chance at slice-of-life, or a chance to roleplay all the bloody horrors they want in an experiment-themed server!

-Currently a fresh server with a low member count, though we are eager to accept new members and make this server the best it can be!
Last Boop: 57 days ago

Frozen Crypt

23 members
In 1938, a groundbreaking achievement unfolded as scientists successfully created the first human clone. This discovery triggered a series of experiments conducted by major world powers, each eager to harness the potential of cloning technology. The ensuing proliferation of these experiments raised several ethical concerns, prompting an international consensus to address the situation. After two years of global dialogue seemingly making no progress, it was decided that all cloning research would be overseen by **CERP**, the Consortium of Ethical Research Practices, and all associated materials would be relocated to **Facility Lambda**.

Our story begins as the test subjects start to arrive.


Welcome to the server! We're thrilled to introduce our brand-new roleplay community, featuring original lore inspired by elements from Surviving the Abyss, The BioShock Franchise, No Man's Sky, Stranger Things, and several other sources. As a player, you wield the power to actively shape the future of server lore as your character navigates the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of the facility, collaborating with fellow members in this immersive experience.

What we offer:

- Immerse yourself in a rich and entirely original lore that draws inspiration from various thought-provoking themes.
- Engage with our approachable staff (currently just me, but more members will be joining soon!).
- Enjoy the freedom of unlimited character slots, allowing you to explore and express your creativity without limits.
- Your unique presence, which we hope will contribute to the community we are building!