Last Boop: 22 hours ago

Lifetime of Firsts

33 members
◦ ❖ Welcome to Lifetime of Firsts! ❖ ◦

A server dedicated to be a safe space for Sanvers fans. Where Sanvers is Endgame and we create new Firsts in their honor. Here you can share your love and appreciation for Alex and Maggie, post fanfiction, fanworks, and discuss the show with other fans. We strive to provide a safe and comfortable environment for everyone to express themselves. And while this is a Sanvers server at heart, we welcome all ships here, no matter how rare they may be. Everyone’s input is valued and respected, we encourage open discussion and warmly welcome constructive criticism. We have a lot of cozy corners for you to hang out in like:

• comics - where you can share your love for them and meet other comic fans.
• roleplay - a special corner for those who enjoy playing Canon and OC characters alike.
• writers - a place for writers to share ideas and create new things together.
• artists - a place for artists to gather and create, same as #writers.

And so much more! So don't hesitate to press that join button, you're all welcome here.