Last Updated: November 20, 2023

In order to keep UnFocused a safe place, we have a set of rules that all users must follow.

Server owners are always responsible for their listings, regardless of who created or edited them.

Server listings need to be in English, but can be translated into their native language.
Staff reserves the right to use automated tools to verify whether descriptions written in a native language match their English translation.

You may not post content or participate in activities related to the following:

Exploitation and sexualisation of minors.
- This applies to fictional characters portrayed as 17 years old or younger.
- This includes advertising adult content towards users who are 17 years old or younger.
- This includes advertising dating for users who are 17 years old or younger.
- This includes inviting users who are 12 years old or younger to join your servers.

Paid services.
- UnFocused is a free service, you shouldn't be profiting off of it.

Activities which are illegal, or that we deem immoral or unethical.
- This includes fraud, "methods", scams, leaks, account distribution, beaming or phishing, academic dishonesty, etc.

Interfering with the operations or user experience in multiplayer games
Examples include:
- Distribution of cheats that gains the user an unfair advantage in multiplayer online games.
- Distribution of software that attempts to bypass hardware bans or in game restrictions.

Anything that can get us sued.
- If your server is related to any third-party service, game or product, you must obey their rules as well

Racism, hate speech or any other type of misconduct.
- This includes the use of slurs, even if you can "reclaim" them

Sexual content made or shared without the consent of the person involved.
- This includes anything that you would find online or with the use of NSFW bots

Distribution of pornographic media as the server's main purpose.
- This includes servers dedicated to sharing nudes, porn, cams etc.

"Anarchy" and "No rules".
- Having anarchy or no rules in your server means you do not follow our Terms of Service

Trading outside of games' limits (unsupported trading).
- This applies to trust trading, cross trading and use of middlemen
- We disallow and strongly discourage this behavior due to the high risk of scams taking place

Anything that violates Discord's Terms of Service or Community Guidelines.
- When advertising Discord servers, you want to make sure you follow Discord's rules

Gaining unfair advantage and bypassing restrictions on our service.
- This includes any attempts to evade account bans within our service
- This includes having a server redirect users to another server
- This includes automating or scripting any actions within our service
- This includes suspicious activity from accounts that we may deem as automation. Please, one user, one account.

Spam or any other needless entries on the website
- Server content (tags, description) belong to the server unless other legal copyright exists.
- Copying another server's description is not allowed.
- Descriptions designed to extend the site's layout or interfere with website operations are not allowed.
- Server entries that do not make sense, or random words or letters are not allowed.

We reserve the right to remove material that is not listed in this or other articles.
- We will allow or disallow whatever we see fit, however we are always open to feedback from our users.

If you come across anything on the website that breaks these guidelines, please report it.