
The Space Café

42 members
Tired from space travel? Getting bored of your planet? Stuck out in space drifting for eternity…?

Well, I got the place for you! The Space Café!

We’re a new café drifting throughout the starry sea, open to anyone who wants to make friends, be creative, or just have fun! But if that’s enough to interest you, let me inform you of what we offer.


We offer:

⚝ - Self roles

⚝ - A lovely space café theme

⚝ - Tons of fun game bots

⚝ - Weekly and monthly creative challenges

⚝ - A small but friendly team

⚝ - A nice and safe environment for anyone who’s apart of the LGBTQ+ community

⚝ - Game nights for anyone who wants to play something over the weekend

⚝ - Creative support for anyone who needs help with art, music, writing and more

⚝ - AI and NFT free zone

⚝ - Roleplay elements with fun mysterious lore


If any of that sounds good to you, come on over to The Space Café. There\'s a table for everyone!